

Geophysics for Geoscientists and Engineers in the Energy Transition Industries
Training Course

2 Days

$1895 CAD

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Course Description
This introductory course addresses the key risk mitigation issues facing Geothermal, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS), and Helium projects where specific applied geophysical apps can provide business value-add solutions. Geophysical fundamentals are introduced in the first session enabling the learner's the ability to understand basic applied geophysics and the decision processes involved in making business decisions concerning geophysics.

Fundamentals of Geothermal, Cardon Capture Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS), and Helium are introduced before specific case histories. Case histories from the oil and gas industry are used where appropriate along with specific Energy Transition case studies to illustrate the geophysical tools that the engineers or geoscientists would apply to mitigate risk, solve a specific development problem and improve the business success and value of the project.

The course is designed to identify specific operational problems and provide an integrated geophysical tool to help solve that problem. The course will address issues such as:

Simplified Machine Learning applications and workflows will be discussed to add clarity and enhance the learner’s ability to decide which geophysical techniques are of value to integrate into their project.

The case histories clearly illustrate where integrated geological, geophysical and engineering data are critical to the project’s success.

Who Should Attend
This course is ideal for Geoscientists with a least 5 years of experience and their asset team Engineers. It is also recommended for Management, Team Leaders, and Financial Analysts as the course gives them the confidence to ask tough questions and the case histories to give them a qualitative learning experience without the need to understand all of the technical details.

  • Introduction
  • Fundamentals of Geophysics
  • Fundamentals of Geothermal Energy
  • Fundamentals of Carbon Capture Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS)
  • Integrated Geophysical Apps used in risk mitigation for initial facilities planning
  • Integrated Geophysical Apps used in risk mitigation for drill hazards
  • Integrated Geophysical Apps used in risk mitigation for reservoir characterization
  • Integrated Geophysical Apps used in reservoir production and development
  • Fundamentals of Helium
  • Integrated Geophysical Apps used in Helium Exploration
  • Summary: Team collaboration for value-added business success!

John L.J. Duhault, P.Geo.
John Duhault is an “Advisor Risk-Mitigator Trainer” Geoscientist who has over 42 years of industry experience including over 50,000 hours as a geoscience interpreter in Canada and internationally. He is passionate about teaching the business value of integrated geophysics through the “storytelling” of case histories and has presented papers in North America, Europe, and New Zealand.

Mr. Duhault graduated from the University of Manitoba with a BSc in Geological Engineering. During his career he has found significant reserves of oil and gas for senior exploration companies and numerous junior independents. He also founded and led two private junior oil and gas companies.

Now Mr. Duhault is the Principal Consultant for Starbird Enterprises where he specializes in conventional exploration, unconventional resource-play, and energy transition industry (Geothermal, CCS and Helium) seismic interpretation. He also teaches in-person and virtual courses on integrated geophysical applications for Geoscientists and Engineers.

Mr. Duhault is a Past President of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG) and is currently the Vice-Chair for the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).

Mr. Duhault is a member of APEGA, CSEG, SEG, CSPG, SPE, and SPEE.

Read More about John L.J. Duhault, P.Geo.